Retail Items.When retail items are important to your business and revenue, you don't want to double up on your POS. You need a no compromise technology that can handle inventory and returns, UPC scanning and retail reporting. Oh, and you can mix food sales in your business model mix too. We want you to achieve more and dream bigger than you ever thought was affordably possible.
Bar CodesBar codes and readers go together like bread and butter. With rbbt you can build up a big database of bar codes and read away to speed check out lines along.
Item ReturnsRbbt tech has full item inventory that counts, depletes and accepts returns. The rbbt inventory can hold restaurant items too. So you can mix menus and inventory all in one easy to use, understand and afford technology.
Loyalty ProgramsIntegrated loyalty solutions allow you to market to your customers. Send communications to you customer base letting them know about upcoming promotions and discounts. Track points and exchange to merchandise or customize your rewards program.